Get online with a 'Starter' website by Two Sparrows

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A theme built with you in mind

Two Sparrows’ Starter website enables you to get online quickly, using the pre-designed layout that this demo site is built in; customised with your brand colours, fonts and images.

This theme has been developed after years of experience building websites for small businesses, understanding the pain points and challenges that business owners often find in the website process. Our theme sets you up for growth, is lightweight, and you’ll be equipped to use it yourself!


You’ll be set up with a lightweight site, with Home, About and Contact pages. But this doesn’t limit you – you can add and build on this as you grow.

Easy to use

Your website is fully documented, so you can quickly level-up in your learning and start using your website for yourself. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it a piece of cake!

You stay in control

We don’t hold your website or domain name to ransom. They’re yours, so once your site is built, we’ll hand over the keys (but we’re always here if you need a bit of help).

Designed by a designer, built by a developer


A stellar website ticks the box in both the design (how great it looks) and the development (how great it works). Your site gets the specialised attention of both a designer and a developer, who work together to deliver you a website that does you proud.

Professional copywriting


Having the wrong words on your website can mean you’re missing out on customers or clients who are looking to you to solve their problems.

You might already have worked out that communicating your business and services clearly is not as easy as it seems.

When you choose the Two Sparrows Starter Package, you get the benefit of a professional copywriter to take care of the words to put on your website. You can rest assured that we’ve done SEO, keyword and competitor research to help you be visible to your customers as they search for help.

But more than that. You’ll also know the words on your website are carefully crafted to make sure that once your customers find you, they’re engaged with you and don’t wander off to your competitors.


We are not all the same, and there is no “one-way” of using a website. The Two Sparrows Starter website has accessibility standards in place to ensure anyone using your site can find the information they need.

Ready to begin?

'How-to' guide


With online documentation and videos to walk you through, you’ll be equipped to start updating and using your website right away. You’ll feel confident to add pages, edit content, create layouts and add blogs for yourself.

In-person training sessions


If you’d like extra support with an in-person (on-site or online) training session, we’ve got you!

Everything you need

With the Two Sparrows Starter website, you will get all of this:

  • One-to-one discovery meeting in person or via Zoom
  • Pre-designed theme, customised with brand colours, fonts, images
  • Website build in WordPress
  • 3 pages (Home, About, Contact) – you can add more yourself later
  • Professional copywriting (2 pages – Home & About)
  • 1 x landing page template
  • Blog
  • Google or Matomo analytics set up
  • Basic SEO
  • Generic online documentation

Starter package cost:
NZ $3,025+gst

Ready to go?

It’s simple! Fill out the enquiry form on the Two Sparrows website to get started.

Contact us now